“Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs” Psalm 100:2
Sunday Services in Bungendore
You’re welcome here. Join us to celebrate, to mourn, to give thanks, to ask questions, or to pray. Come as you are.
Please see details for Hoskinstown & Carwoola Churches on our Locations page
Contemporary Service
Sunday 10:00am
@ The Scout Hall 66 Turallo Tce. Contemporary Service with creche and kids church during the service, followed by morning tea.​
Kids Church
Sunday 10:00am
@ The Scout Hall 66 Turallo Tce. Held during the service with teaching and fun activities for the young ones of primary school age.​
Traditional Service
SUNday 8:00 Am
@ St Philip’s cnr Gibraltar & Butmaroo St. Holy Communion with a blend of traditional liturgy and contemporary. Followed by morning tea.​