“For where two or three gather together in my name, there I am with them” Matthew 18:20
small groups
Connect In @ A Small Group
We have a number of small groups that meet mid-week, mostly (but not all) in the evenings. Some of these groups are open to new members joining at any time, while some are by invitation. Some groups are mixed and some are just for men or just for women. Some meet weekly while others meet fortnightly. The format of the groups also varies, but the most common format is a time to share what’s happening in our lives followed by a time discussing a section of the Bible. The church seeks to start some new groups each year, so there is always the option of waiting for a new group to commence.
A brief description of the two groups (BOP and KYB) that are open for people to join at any time appears below.
To find out which small group might work best for you, it is suggested that you contact Mike, Chloe or our discipleship coordinator Jeff Buckpitt at email address –

BOP (Bible @ the Op Shop)
THURSday 7:00 PM – 8:00 Pm
@ Phil’s Emporium during the school term. Bring your Bible or your App and join us to read The Word. Check our Events Calendar for changes or postponements.
KYB (Know Your Bible) Womens Bible Study
THURSday 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Held in Bungendore during the school term. A friendly group of women seeking to more fully understand God’s Word. Talk to Mike or Chloe for details. Check our Events Calendar for changes or postponements.
One to One
as arranged
Held in Bungendore in response to your request. One to One is an opportunity to get together and see what the Bible says. Discover its relevance to your situation. Read and talk about it. Learn how it works. The Bible is the place where we can see Jesus most clearly. Talk to Mike or Chloe Pailthorpe, Jeff Buckpitt or use the website contact form to pre-arrange a time and place.